An Interview with Chris DeMakes of Less Than Jake

For me, Punk has always been a state of mind. Anyone can be a Punk. You don’t have to wear leather or chains. That being said, you can if you want. I suppose what I’m getting at is that Punk is whatever you want it to be. It’s a personal thing. Ska/Punk is even more so, at least, for me it is.

Reviewing The True Romance Soundtrack on Vinyl

Today, we’re taking a trip back to 1993. A world where Clarence and Alabama met, fell in love, got married and became unwitting cocaine dealers all in a matter of days. Does it sound unrealistic? Maybe so, but never-the-less- it’s a great story!

An Interview with Michael Bishop AKA Blothar of GWAR

Metal has its share of interesting and unique acts, but few are more unique than GWAR. The band itself is rooted in a love of Punk and Heavy Metal, combined with a fascination with fantasy, gore, macabre, and outright political satire. To say that the band and its stage show are not for the faint of heart would be an understatement.

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