Is Ghost’s Impera their Destroyer?

This is a band where each album has had its own distinguishable character to be different from the previous ones. Being amongst Ghost fandom almost reminds me of how KISS fans must’ve felt when an album as cinematic as Destroyer came out, and bore barely any resemblance to the previous three studio albums that came before.

A Guide to KISS Bootlegs: The Destroyer Tour 1976

Welcome to the fifth article of the “A Guide to KISS Bootlegs” series! This article will be focusing on the tour KISS did in support of the album Destroyer.

A Guide to KISS Bootlegs: The Alive! Tour 1975-76

Welcome to the fourth article of the “A Guide to KISS Bootlegs” series! This article will be focusing on the tour KISS did in support of their career saving live album Alive! This tour is very much a continuation of the second half of the Dressed to Kill tour.

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