All images courtesy of Grandstand Media
By Dylan Peggin
[email protected]
Picture yourself in a convertible, top-down, shades on, and feeling the summer breeze. What’s the first thing you imagine coming out of your car stereo? I don’t know about you but the first artist that comes to mind is Hazel English.
Hailing from the country of Australia and relocating to the state of California, Hazel English (born Eleisha Caripis) is a relatively fresh name in indie music circles. With a full-length debut album and a handful of EPs under her belt, Hazel’s unique style of psychedelia-infused indie pop is total ear candy.
How have things been holding up on your end lately?
Things are good! Just getting ready to play some shows in August which I’m excited about and writing as always, things never really slow down as a musician because there’s always something to focus on.
Explain how the origins of your newly released EP Summer Nights came to be.
During the pandemic, Jackson and I started working on songs, initially remotely, and then we finished them in his studio. It was just as life was starting to return to normal and I was feeling excited about making music again, it felt like there were new possibilities.
Since Polyvinyl had released your debut and double EP, what was the main motive behind releasing Summer Nights yourself independently?
I love working with Polyvinyl but I wanted to put this EP out independently because I had felt that I wanted to own some of my work, experience the process of releasing a small project like this, and try things out that way. Managing a budget and marketing decisions is a process in itself, I think it’s important to experience all of it as an artist so you can appreciate the work involved and it gives you an insight into all the hard work your team puts into everything.
The timing couldn’t have been more inconvenient when “Wake Up” was released amidst the pandemic and the tour that was scheduled was canceled. How does it feel to get back into the live performance field?
I’m excited to get back to performing since it’s been a few years now and there’s a bunch of songs I haven’t ever played live before so that will be fun!
In regards to live performance, how important is the pacing of a show to you? Do you have a preconceived idea of what songs you’d want to perform and where they sit in a setlist?
I usually try to keep that in mind when figuring out a track list so it feels like an even balance of fast and slow songs. It can be hard because some of them are in different tunings and stuff so that also plays a role for sure.
If you were to perform covers, how do you go about choosing which ones to do? Is it likely that the public will hear a live airing of your exceptional cover of “California Dreaming?”
It’s funny because I have performed covers before but never the ones I’ve recorded incidentally enough. I used to enjoy just throwing in a random cover in the set to change things up but yeah for some reason I never think to perform the ones that I have recorded, maybe I should.
There is a distinctive psychedelic indie pop vibe to your work that can easily be attributed to many artists of the California area. Since you’re originally from Australia, what are some notable Aussie musicians you enjoy and admire?
I really love King Gizzard and I saw them play a lot of local gigs when I lived in Melbourne, it’s so cool to see how far they’ve come. Growing up, one of my all-time favorite bands was INXS and I adored listening to them. The Bee Gees were also a big staple in my household.
You mentioned in our previous interview that you studied creative writing at university. Any notable written works you’ve been sinking your teeth into as of lately?
I’ve been reading The Odyssey lately and I’m really loving it, I never read it in high school like most people so it’s all brand new to me which makes it really exciting. It’s so cool to know that something written so long ago still feels just as exciting as a modern book, maybe even more so because it has endured so long.
Are you able to share any glimpses into what may come in the future in regards to a full-length follow-up to “Wake Up”?
I’m already working on the next album for sure, just been writing a lot because I really want to get a set of solid songs and it will be more of a concept album I think. That’s all I can say for now but in the meantime, I plan to release some other songs I have been working on.
To musicians, their own original compositions are like children, there’s no such thing as picking a favorite. But if you had to pick one song you are exceptionally proud of writing, which would it be?
I think I would have to say “Never Going Home” because it was the first one I released and I still enjoy playing it even now all these years later. It feels like a very true snapshot of me at that time, it makes me nostalgic for that time in my life when I hear it.
– Dylan Peggin (@Record_Spinner) is a columnist for www.vwmusicrocks.com and may be reached at [email protected]