An Interview with Graham Whitford of Tyler Bryant and the Shakedown

By unwittingly gifting his son Graham a Les Paul guitar for Christmas at the age of seventeen, Brad Whitford, of Aerosmith fame, started his son down the path to his own success.

An Interview with Chris Weber of Hollywood Rose

A typical night for Chris Weber in the early 1980s involved stopping off at the Rainbow Bar & Grill on Sunset Boulevard, in the heart of West Hollywood’s Sunset Strip, where he frequently found himself among the throngs of people congregating out front and in the parking lot.

An Interview with Steve Darrow of Hollywood Rose

Photo credit: Marc Canter

An Interview with Guns N’ Roses Historian Marc Canter

While Hudson and his bands pursued their dreams, Canter supported them however he could, whether it was with transportation to gigs, funding for magazine advertisements, food, or simply driving Hudson to see an amp he liked.

An Interview with Orianthi

Beaming on the other end of our call, Orianthi recalls what initially set her on the path to becoming one of the world’s most renowned guitarists twenty-six years ago.

An Interview with Blaze Bayley of Wolfsbane

Far removed from the stadium concerts and big theater performances of yesteryear, veteran vocalist Blaze Bayley continues to infuse his own vision and ideology into the music he performs before a devoted, albeit curtailed, audience in the modern era.

An Interview with Wolf Hoffmann of Accept

After enduring nearly five decades of the music industry’s ever-changing landscape and shepherding his seminal heavy metal band Accept through its various incarnations over the years, Wolf Hoffmann is often captured beaming on stage while brandishing his signature Framus guitar.

Don’t Change That Song: A 35th Anniversary Tribute to Faster Pussycat’s Self-Titled Debut

As apparent as its imperfections are, Faster Pussycat eloquently captures the essence of the Sunset Strip as it was at the time: sleaze, debauchery, and excess.

An Interview with Record Producer Tom Werman (Part 2)

In the first segment of my two-part interview with renowned record producer Tom Werman, we discussed Tom’s formative years and subsequent transition into the music industry, successful signings as well as the ones that ultimately eluded him, and honed in on his work with Ted Nugent, Cheap Trick, and Mötley Crüe.

An Interview with Derek Day of Classless Act

Despite the persistent myth that rock music is on the verge of extinction, a legion of promising new acts are poised to lead a rock revolution for the next generation.

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