An Interview with Jared Michael Nickerson of Burnt Sugar Arkestra The Chamber

Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking with the talented Jared Michael Nickerson of Burnt Sugar Arkestra The Chamber. Among other things, we touch on what he’s been up to during the lockdown, Burnt Sugar Arkestra The Chamber’s newest music, his opinion of the music scene today, and what he’s looking forward to the most once COVID-19 breaks.

An Interview with Bob Lord of Dreadnaught

I had the pleasure of chatting with the ever-interesting bassist extraordinaire, Bob Lord to discuss, among other things, what he’s been up to during the lockdown, his newest music, his thoughts on the music scene going forward

An Interview with Steve Fossen of Heart

Recently, I sat down with veteran bassist and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee Steve Fossen to discuss, among other things, what he’s been up to during the lockdown, his time in Heart, his passions outside of music, and what he’s looking forward to the most once COVID-19 breaks.

An Interview with Chuck Dukowski of Würm & Black Flag

When I first started this series of interviews, Andrew Rossiter from Org Music asked me if I would like to interview Chuck Dukowski. My response was swift and to the point – “It would be an honor.” Little did I know that it would be the start of something.

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