Pixies Studio Albums Ranked

With the release of 1987’s Come On Pilgrim, Boston-bred indie powerhouse Pixies shook the world in ways once thought impossible.

An Interview with Joey Santiago of the Pixies

Far from beholden to the past, guitarist Joey Santiago’s eclectic nature finds both him and the Pixies in perpetual motion.

Trompe Le Monde & The First Era Of the Pixies

In retrospect, Trompe Le Monde is an important record partially due to its quality, but also, because it marked the end of one era in Pixie’s history. The band continues to this day, and I feel that is a good thing for the music world.

Say It Ain’t So: Five Forgotten Rock Albums of the 1990s

In the heat of the moment, while Grunge as a commercial entity may have stolen the limelight, a whole subset of rather unpopular albums were created, and ex post facto, we now can give thanks for these artists manifesting these creations knowing full well their fan base may never receive them in the way they deserved to be.

An Interview with Lyle Workman

One of the more underrated guitarists and composers is with us today in Lyle Workman. If you don’t know him by name, then I guarantee you will know him by the music he has helped create over the last 30 plus years.

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