An Interview with Ian Danter of Dressed To Kill
Be it as a solo artist, a member of KISS tribute act, Dressed To Kill, or a football commentator, one thing is certain: Ian Danter’s unique flair always seems to bleed through.
Be it as a solo artist, a member of KISS tribute act, Dressed To Kill, or a football commentator, one thing is certain: Ian Danter’s unique flair always seems to bleed through.
Before they were world-beating glam rock superstars, Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley were members of several bands, the most notable of which was Wicked Lester.
All was quiet for a while in regards to Sam Loomis and the various bits of KISS footage that had leaked out during the summer of 2022, which proved to be the most exciting time for a KISS fan to witness footage that had never seen the light of day beyond coveted collectors.
Few players exude the level of joy, professionalism, and love for their craft as guitarist Ryan Spencer Cook.
Having worked with John Fannon, Vinnie Vincent, Yngwie Malmsteen, Steve Vai, and Bob Kulick through numerous classic acts, keyboardist Jimmy Waldo knows a thing or two about rock ‘n’ roll.
Dutifully stationed alongside his brother in arms, Paul Stanley, KISS’ Gene Simmons has galvanized fans through blood, fire, and machismo.
It hadn’t been until recently that testimonials became public, further piecing together the puzzle of the KISS/Sam Loomis saga that has KISS fans ravenously invested.
The tale of Sam Loomis and the leaked KISS footage has been a complex web of wrongful content claiming, channel takedowns, and still an anonymous figure.
In hindsight, Creatures of the Night has proved to be one of KISS’ most iconic records, but the silence was deafening upon its release.
For Quinton Kufal, the manifestation of small-town dreams turned rock star reality has been a grind.