An Interview with Ian Danter of Dressed To Kill

Be it as a solo artist, a member of KISS tribute act, Dressed To Kill, or a football commentator, one thing is certain: Ian Danter’s unique flair always seems to bleed through.

The Return of Sam Loomis… Again: KISS Love Gun Tour + Dynasty Promo Rushes Emerge

All was quiet for a while in regards to Sam Loomis and the various bits of KISS footage that had leaked out during the summer of 2022, which proved to be the most exciting time for a KISS fan to witness footage that had never seen the light of day beyond coveted collectors.

I Love It Loud: 20 of Gene Simmons’s Most Overlooked Tracks

Dutifully stationed alongside his brother in arms, Paul Stanley, KISS’ Gene Simmons has galvanized fans through blood, fire, and machismo.

Sam Loomis’ KISS Saga: Who is Lori Strode? Loomis Speaks Up!

It hadn’t been until recently that testimonials became public, further piecing together the puzzle of the KISS/Sam Loomis saga that has KISS fans ravenously invested.

Sam Loomis’ KISS Saga Continues: The Gloves Are Off!

The tale of Sam Loomis and the leaked KISS footage has been a complex web of wrongful content claiming, channel takedowns, and still an anonymous figure.

An Interview with Quinton Kufahl of Mr. Speed

For Quinton Kufal, the manifestation of small-town dreams turned rock star reality has been a grind.

An Interview with Brennan Mileto of Sisters Doll

Conjuring memories of the past, guitarist Brennan Mileto and his cohorts in Australian glam rock outfit Sisters Doll are a throwback to an era once relegated but now revived.

An Interview with Elise Krentzel

Under My Skin: Drama, Trauma & Rock ‘n’ Roll chronicles her troubled upbringing, her travels around Europe, her beginnings in the male-dominated field of rock music journalism, and traveling as a 19-year-old journalist on KISS’ Japanese tour in 1977, which led to her securing a job at Shinko Music in Japan.

KISS Studio Albums Ranked Part Three: The 90s & 2000s

At the dawn of a new decade, KISS, like many bands, once again found themselves at a crossroads. The 80s had proved tumultuous on many levels, with the band surviving sonic challenges, lineup changes, and commercial adversity from all angles.

The Return of Sam Loomis: Unseen & Restored 8mm KISS Footage Emerges!

That is not all that has been seen today with the rebirth of the Sam Loomis YouTube account. This is just enough to sink your teeth into for the time being. Keep your eyes peeled for my next article as I go through the rest of what has been uploaded!

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