An Interview with Charles McPherson

I love Jazz. Over the last few years, I’ve really dug my heels into the genre. As I’ve dug in, I’ve climbed the proverbial “family tree” of the genre, and when I reached the Charles Mingus branch, I found Charles McPherson, one of the best Jazz sax players that you will ever have the pleasure of hearing.

An Interview with Steve Albini of Big Black & Shellac

There are a lot of people who talk a big game, but Steve Albini lives it through pure integrity and honestly. Regardless of if he is making music with Shellac, or engineering an album for acts big and small, you can be absolutely certain that what you get from Steve Albini with being authentic, analog, and worth hearing.

An Interview with Colin Clive of Mustard Plug

Today, I am serving up a really cool interview for you all. Colin Clive is Mustard Plug’s guitar player, and he has been with them since the very beginning. He’s a veteran of the scene and he’s also a vinyl addict like the rest of us.

An Interview with Tod Howarth of Frehley’s Comet

As a kid growing up, I loved Tod’s fantastic song with Frehley’s Comet “Calling to You.” So, when I began this interview series, I knew that I had to reach out to one of Rock music’s most versatile and genuinely nice guys.

An Interview with Chuck Dukowski of Würm & Black Flag

When I first started this series of interviews, Andrew Rossiter from Org Music asked me if I would like to interview Chuck Dukowski. My response was swift and to the point – “It would be an honor.” Little did I know that it would be the start of something.

An Interview with Trevor Church of Haunt

This week, I am proud to present to you my “sit down” with the incredibly talented and versatile Trevor Church. Metalheads will know full well the prolific talents of Trevor Church. His bands Beastmaker and Haunt have been making serious waves across the indie Metal scene for several years now.

An Interview with Bruce Kulick

When I was growing up, in my mind, there was no bigger or greater band than KISS. While the make-up era was what initially drew me in, I eventually came to love the non-makeup era equally. For the majority of those years (1984-1996), Bruce Kulick was the band’s lead guitarist, and through that music, he became one of my all-time favorites.

An Interview with Tommy Emmanuel

How much do you really know about the guitar? Better yet, who are the best guitar players in the world today? How about the last thirty years? If your list doesn’t include one Tommy Emmanuel, then you simply haven’t been paying attention.

An Interview with Frank Turner

Frank Turner’s music has long been near and dear to my heart. We all have bands and artists that are constants for us. We may not always listen to them on a weekly basis (or perhaps we do), but just knowing they’re there is comforting. Frank’s music has been with me over the long haul, and has steadied the ship for me in times of trouble, and rode happily beside me for the good times as well.

An Interview with Ken Stringfellow, Formerly of The Posies

Power-pop auteur, Ken Stringfellow’s impact on indie music over the last 30 years is evocatively everlasting.

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