An Interview with KISS Manager Doc McGhee

If KISS was going to pull off the improbable, they needed a formidable force at the helm, and while a few were considered for the job, after a fateful conversation with super-manager, Doc McGhee, for lynchpin members, Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons, the choice was clear, KISS was going to shock the world in ways fans could never imagine.

An Interview with Former KISS Manager Larry Mazer

With Hot in the Shade (1989) already in the can, Mazer’s impact was immediate, and through shrewd business decisions, and a willingness to take chances, Mazer ruddered KISS toward its first top-ten single, and ushered them onto the road to undertake what amounted to perhaps their most legendary stage production yet.

KISS Studio Albums Ranked Part Two: The 80s

The 80s would be an interesting time for KISS, a decade defined by lineup instability, the near-death of the band, the removal of their trademark makeup, and a return to gold and platinum level success. Yes, in rock’s glitziest decade, once gain, KISS found themselves in a familiar, yet frustrating position as a band who needed to prove their worth to both critics and fans alike.

KISS Studio Albums Ranked Part One: The 70s

If any single grouping of musicians in the history of rock has systematically polarized both fans and critics alike, it’s the favorite sons of NYC, Ace Frehley, Paul Stanley, Peter Criss, and Gene Simmons.

Ken Kelly, Renowned KISS, Rainbow & Manowar Cover Artist Dead at Age 76

Acclaimed fantasy artist Ken Kelly has passed away at age 76. The news, which broke late Friday afternoon was later confirmed by the artist’s close friend, and confidant, Danny Stanton, who is also the president and founder of Coallier Entertainment.

An Interview with Tom Higgins of KLASSIK ’78

Recently, I caught up with Tom Higgins of burgeoning throwback rock outfit, KLASSIK ’78. Among other things, we touch on Tom’s origins on the drums, the formation, and evolution of KLASSIK ’78, his love for KISS, working with drummer Charlie Benante on KLASSIK ’78’s latest offering, Phantoms, and a whole lot more.

The Ankh Warrior Rises: Vinnie Vincent Shreds at Creatures Fest

Vinnie Vincent has always been a man who, for better or worse, has operated on his own terms, and it stands to reason that he will continue to do so. As a fan, I am hopeful for what’s next – more hopeful than I ever have been to date. So now, we know Vincent can play, but what’s next? As a fan, I am hopeful, but as a critic, and journalist, I remain pragmatic, waiting to see if the other shoe will in fact drop.

One Night Only: Original KISS Drummer Peter Criss Hits The Stage Once Again With Sisters Doll

Peter Criss’ 2017 show at New York Cities Cutting Room was supposed to be his final show, and for five years, that promise rang true.

An Interview with Bryce ‘Lipz’ Mileto of Sisters Doll

Recently, I caught up with Bryce ‘Lipz’ Mileto of burgeoning throwback rock outfit, Sisters Doll. Among other things, we touch on Bryce’s origins on the drums, the formation, and evolution of Sisters Doll, touring with Bruce Kulick, the band’s KISS fandom, their upcoming run of US dates, sharing the stage with Peter Criss, and a whole lot more.

Beyond “Beth”: Ten Essential Solo Cuts From Peter Criss

Peter is often perceived as “the least talented” member of KISS, and in general, he wasn’t given much of an opportunity to showcase his talents. As such, what too many fans don’t recall, or simply haven’t embraced is Peter Criss’ post-KISS solo career, which consists of four stellar albums, Out Of Control (1980), Let Me Rock You (1982), Cat #1 (1994), and One For All (2007).

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