Creatures of the Night: A Hail Mary from a Band on the Rocks
In hindsight, Creatures of the Night has proved to be one of KISS’ most iconic records, but the silence was deafening upon its release.
In hindsight, Creatures of the Night has proved to be one of KISS’ most iconic records, but the silence was deafening upon its release.
At the dawn of a new decade, KISS, like many bands, once again found themselves at a crossroads. The 80s had proved tumultuous on many levels, with the band surviving sonic challenges, lineup changes, and commercial adversity from all angles.
After spending the better part of the last fifty years traveling the world, frontman Ian Gillan has settled in as an elder statesman of rock and is comfortable in his own skin.
With Hot in the Shade (1989) already in the can, Mazer’s impact was immediate, and through shrewd business decisions, and a willingness to take chances, Mazer ruddered KISS toward its first top-ten single, and ushered them onto the road to undertake what amounted to perhaps their most legendary stage production yet.
In addition to seeing his contemporaries become household names and ascend the Billboard charts, Tony Cavazo also kept tabs on the influence his band SNOW had on the momentous hard rock wave that washed over the early 1980s.
As for Revenge, while ranking KISS’ studio albums proves difficult, I can safely say that it’s top-five, perhaps even top-three, and aside from maybe Creatures of the Night, Revenge is handily KISS’ heaviest record, and definitely, its nastiest. Retrospectively, Revenge has got all of the ingredients required for a great KISS album, more so, it’s got all the ingredients for a great album in general. I will always remember this record fondly, and on the album’s 30th anniversary, I say cheers to all those involved in creating it, you did well here, and that’s something I think fans of all shapes and sizes can agree with.
“Some of the greatest records ever made wouldn’t have been made without a producer’s input. You’d be foolish to ignore the opportunity that a good producer will provide.”