Rosie Luck Speaks on the Upcoming KISS Cancer Goodbye Event

Cancer is a disease that has sadly affected most of us in one way or another. Still, for industrious event organizers Neil Davis, Brian Bell, Dale Walter, and Rosie Luck, each day is another opportunity to flip the script.

An Interview with Brennan Mileto of Sisters Doll

Conjuring memories of the past, guitarist Brennan Mileto and his cohorts in Australian glam rock outfit Sisters Doll are a throwback to an era once relegated but now revived.

The Ankh Warrior Rises: Vinnie Vincent Shreds at Creatures Fest

Vinnie Vincent has always been a man who, for better or worse, has operated on his own terms, and it stands to reason that he will continue to do so. As a fan, I am hopeful for what’s next – more hopeful than I ever have been to date. So now, we know Vincent can play, but what’s next? As a fan, I am hopeful, but as a critic, and journalist, I remain pragmatic, waiting to see if the other shoe will in fact drop.

One Night Only: Original KISS Drummer Peter Criss Hits The Stage Once Again With Sisters Doll

Peter Criss’ 2017 show at New York Cities Cutting Room was supposed to be his final show, and for five years, that promise rang true.

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