An Interview with Freddy Villano of The Rods

With origins nestled in the sleepy suburbs of Long Island, NY, Freddy Vallino has forged an unlikely career in rock and metal music as one of the more reliable bassists amongst a deep scene.

An Interview with Record Producer Tom Werman (Part 2)

In the first segment of my two-part interview with renowned record producer Tom Werman, we discussed Tom’s formative years and subsequent transition into the music industry, successful signings as well as the ones that ultimately eluded him, and honed in on his work with Ted Nugent, Cheap Trick, and Mötley Crüe.

An Interview with Tanya O’Callaghan of Whitesnake

Stepping in the shoes of a legacy of bass players such as Neil Murray, Colin Hodgkinson, Rudy Sarzo, Guy Pratt, Michael Devin, and more, O’Callaghan is forging her very own path towards heavy metal immortality as she begins to take the stage with legendary outfit, Whitesnake.

Fear of Music: How Satanic Panic Shaped Music & Culture in the 1980s and Beyond

If you grew up in the 1980s or 90s, then you know the world back then was a very different place than it is now. The streets and parks were littered with latch key kids, who were allowed to roam freely for hours and even days without guidance or supervision. I know this because I was one of them.

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