Europe’s John Norum Talks New Music, His Approach to the Guitar, and the Recording of “The Final Countdown”

After years of glam metal stardom and acrobatic guitar heroics with Europe and Dokken, John Norum has returned with a new solo record titled Gone to Stay.

An Interview with Kee Marcello of Europe & Easy Action

In a decade known for its guitarists, Kee Marcello was truly a standout from the bunch. Beginning with Easy Action, soring to fame with Europe and beyond with his solo work, most recently with Our Of This World, Kee has established a firm legacy as one of the better lead players within the genre of Heavy Metal and Glam.

The Road to The Roxy: 10 Underrated Glam & Hair Metal-Era Albums Part II

I know all too well that many will say, “Hair Metal sucks” as a default response to the opening chords of “Dr. Feelgood,” I’ve also learned that the devout fanbase that makes Hair Metal so special, still remains and that they too have a voice.

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