Beyond “Beth”: Ten Essential Solo Cuts From Peter Criss

Peter is often perceived as “the least talented” member of KISS, and in general, he wasn’t given much of an opportunity to showcase his talents. As such, what too many fans don’t recall, or simply haven’t embraced is Peter Criss’ post-KISS solo career, which consists of four stellar albums, Out Of Control (1980), Let Me Rock You (1982), Cat #1 (1994), and One For All (2007).

An Interview with Danny Farrow of Angel

2019’s Risen, served to put the world on notice that not only had Angel returned, but the band intended to remain vital. Ever-resistant to the “legacy act” moniker, Angel has just wrapped production and mastering on what appears to be their soon-to-be-released eighth studio album, Once Upon A Time.

An Interview with Pete Holmes of Black ‘N Blue & Ratt

“The band is sounding better than ever, so we can, and will do whatever we want. The best is yet to come.”

An Interview with Pat Fontaine of XYZ

“In our little world that success was a major accomplishment, as we went from borderline starvation to actually being able to eat at decent fast food joints. Success in our camp was measured in calories.”

KISS Live Albums Ranked

Love them or hate them, with Alive!, KISS created the live album as we know it, but they didn’t stop there. Over the course of the band’s nearly fifty-year history, KISS has consistently put out live music. Let’s dig into all of those albums, some of which may surprise you, and see how they stack up.

An Interview with Mark Tremalgia of Bang Tango & Little Caesar

Veteran guitarist Mark Tramalgia speaks on the potential of working with Bang Tango again: “I’m still great friends with Mark Knight and Tigg, but I haven’t talked to Joe and Kyle in years, and the door is always open to play with them.”

An Interview with Vinnie Moore of UFO

The virtuoso guitar boom of the late 1980s was a particularly fertile, and invigorating time for guitar-drive music. While many of its participants have come and gone, Vinnie Moore is not only one of the last standing, but he’s thriving to boot.

An Interview with Reggie Wu of Heavens Edge

Even before joining forces with Mark Evans to form Heavens Edge in 1987, guitarist Reggie Wu had already established himself as a noted member of the New Jersey and Philadelphia music scenes. Wu, a renowned axe-slinger whose technical prowess is intertwined with an innate sense of melody, honed his chops in different bands prior to joining Whitefoxx, an all-original rock band based in New Jersey.

An Interview with Rik DeLuca of Spread Eagle

Rik DeLuca’s journey through Rock ‘N’ Roll hasn’t always been easy, but like the band for which he pounds the skins, Spread Eagle, Rik is nothing if not persistent, and resilient.

An Interview with Mike Reno of Loverboy

Known for his soaring vocals and a headband that stretched across his forehead at all times, Mike Reno quickly became one of the most recognizable frontmen in rock during the 1980s.

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