An Interview with Record Producer Tom Werman (Part 1)

Over two decades have passed since Tom Werman last steered the helm of a recording session, but the renowned record producer – whose fingerprints are found on twenty-three gold and platinum records – has firmly cemented his legacy in music history for his deep-rooted contributions to rock music.

An Interview with Ron Rocco of Black Sheep

Rocco’s early years amongst a vibrant Buffalo scene gave way to a series of ever-so-close to stardom gigs in Black Sheep, Light Years, and Cheater, roles which found the drummer sharing space on the tour bus with Lou Gramm and Billy Sheehan.

An Interview with Greg Smith of Alice Cooper, Rainbow & Ted Nugent

Recently, we caught up with veteran bassist, Greg Smith. Among other things, we touch on what he’s been up to during the lockdown, his origins, working Ted Nugent, Billy Joel, Alice Cooper, and a whole lot more.

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