The Road to The Roxy: 10 Underrated Glam & Hair Metal-Era Albums Part II

I know all too well that many will say, “Hair Metal sucks” as a default response to the opening chords of “Dr. Feelgood,” I’ve also learned that the devout fanbase that makes Hair Metal so special, still remains and that they too have a voice.

An Interview with Terry Cole of Colemine & Plaid Room Records

Terry Cole is the founder and owner of both Colemine Records (the label) and Plaid Room Records (the record shop), and if you haven’t had the pleasure of laying one of Colemine’s sweet slab across your turntable, then you are missing out.

A Interview with Delvon Lamarr of the Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio

If you’re into Soul, Funk, Jazz, Blues or any old school music on Stax, CTI, Volt and the like, then I’ve got something for you. The Delvon Lamarr Trio is the answer to your music prayers.

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