An Interview with Reggie Wu of Heavens Edge

Even before joining forces with Mark Evans to form Heavens Edge in 1987, guitarist Reggie Wu had already established himself as a noted member of the New Jersey and Philadelphia music scenes. Wu, a renowned axe-slinger whose technical prowess is intertwined with an innate sense of melody, honed his chops in different bands prior to joining Whitefoxx, an all-original rock band based in New Jersey.

Trompe Le Monde & The First Era Of the Pixies

In retrospect, Trompe Le Monde is an important record partially due to its quality, but also, because it marked the end of one era in Pixie’s history. The band continues to this day, and I feel that is a good thing for the music world.

An Interview with Rik DeLuca of Spread Eagle

Rik DeLuca’s journey through Rock ‘N’ Roll hasn’t always been easy, but like the band for which he pounds the skins, Spread Eagle, Rik is nothing if not persistent, and resilient.

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