An Interview with Jeff Young, Formerly of Megadeth

Cast aside and often relegated to a mere footnote in the band’s storied lore, Jeff Young’s legacy as a member of Megadeth will forever be entwined with its incredulously neglected third studio album, So Far, So Good… So What!

An Interview with Dirk Verbeuren of Megadeth

For veteran drummer Dirk Verbeuren, the torrid process of promoting his first full-length record with Megadeth has been a labor of love years in the making.

An Interview with Jeff Cotton of Captain Beefheart’s Magic Band

For Mojave Desert native Jeff Cotton, working with psych-rock legend Captain Beefheart was a literal gut punch.

Pixies Studio Albums Ranked

With the release of 1987’s Come On Pilgrim, Boston-bred indie powerhouse Pixies shook the world in ways once thought impossible.

An Interview with Joey Santiago of the Pixies

Far from beholden to the past, guitarist Joey Santiago’s eclectic nature finds both him and the Pixies in perpetual motion.

An Interview with Tyler Bryant of Tyler Bryant & the Shakedown

A signature pink Stratocaster, charismatic allure and uncompromising vision distinguish Tyler Bryant from his peers, but his legacy may well be defined as a torchbearer for rock ‘n’ roll’s next generation.

I Love It Loud: 20 of Gene Simmons’s Most Overlooked Tracks

Dutifully stationed alongside his brother in arms, Paul Stanley, KISS’ Gene Simmons has galvanized fans through blood, fire, and machismo.

An Interview with Jaron Gulino of Tantric & Heavens Edge

Despite maintaining a rigorous touring schedule with his flagship band, Tantric, Jaron Gulino simultaneously balances duties with Philadelphia’s own Heavens Edge and the occasional moonlight performance with George Lynch and the Electric Freedom.

What Might Have Been Lost: Reflections on Bon Iver’s For Emma, Forever Ago

For Emma, Forever Ago stands out to me amongst all his work, and I think the story behind its creation is part of that. It remains an integral part of his discography and an essential record in music history.

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