All images courtesy of Shore Fire Media
Mod Sun’s ever-changing and still-evolving sound hits us with another searing gut punch, this time, in the form of their latest single, “Rich Kids Ruin Everything.”
Taking a harder-edged, pop-punk sound, “Rich Kids Ruin Everything” is an anthem that harkens back to Good Charlotte’s “Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous.” It’s a story of those, well, rich kids who take life for granted, acting as if they have it hard, while the rest of us, who have to work for what we have, can only look back at them with utter disbelief.
The latest trend is a supposed “resurgence” in pop-punk, but in reality, pop-punk never really went anywhere, people just stopped listening. Tastes change. It happens. Still, it is great seeing more and more artists picking up the torch to carry on the legacy of music which came before them.
If Mod Sun’s “Rich Kids Ruin Everything” is proof of anything, it’s that pop-punk is here to stay and emo is not dead. Not by a mile. If anything, it’s full steam ahead.
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