All images courtesy of AMWorld Group
In an ever-shifting world which is perpetually defined by vanity, it can be extremely difficult to find one’s sense of self, let alone one’s true self.
While many artists touch on the deeply important topic of self-alienation, there is a case to be made that as it stands today, no one is doing so better than Japanese singer/songwriter, Riku(戮).
With his new single, “Rin Pun,” we find Riku(戮) addressing the inner pain and self-torment that many young women in the world today face regarding beauty. This emotive, thought-provoking track tells the story of a young woman, who spends her days agonizing over society’s version of “beauty.” Her mind is writhing with endless desperation, as she clings to improbable hope that she could one day be beautiful too.
In reality, the woman is beautiful but societal pressures, and unrealistic expectations of beauty callously mounted into, and shotgunned out through a myopic zeitgeist have left the young woman nothing more than a hollowed-out husk.
Riku(戮) is known for his sharp wit and an edgy realness that permeates his lyrics, and bellows through his vocal delivery like broken glass in an echo chamber. In the case of ‘Rin Pun,” Riku(戮) has unloaded unto us a shrewd commentary regarding the steep climb the women of today face on a day-to-day basis.
It’s a sad state of affairs when any one person is afraid to show their true face for fear of rejection, segregation, or worse. In Riku(戮), we see an artist who is blatantly unafraid to take on these issues with a full head of steam.
Riku(戮)’s message is clear, yet carefully calculated — no one should ever have to suffer at the hands of their own mental anguish, and if “Rin Pun” serves its purpose, that message will soon be broadcasted from ear to ear.
Connect with Riku(戮) via Twitter here.
Connect with Riku(戮) via Instagram here.
Interested in learning more about Riku(戮)? Check out the link below:
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