Brent Shinn’s “Limerence” Strikes a Delicate Balance Between Obsession & Adoration

“Limerence” isn’t a track necessarily treading new ground – the artist’s Bob Dylan fandom is apparent – but what Shinn is doing is reclaiming lost reverence for a simpler time. A time when music need not be autotuned, overproduced, or oversaturated with multi-track instrumentation.

Rough and Rowdy Ways: Bob Dylan’s Latter-Day Defining Moment

Over the decade’s Bob Dylan has seen and sung on just about every important topic of the last half-century. We find ourselves as a nation collapsing unto itself, and directly into a great divide. It’s a chasm of our own doing. Our blatant refusal to be kind and decent to one another is coming to a head now. What happens next is in our hands.

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