Rebelmatic Begins Exciting New Chapter with Mourning Dove

Many bands hit a creative high that easily be pointed to in their careers. Brooklyn Punk outfit Rebelmatic appears to be on an upward trajectory that there is no coming down from. After the masterpiece that was Ghost in the Shadows, a follow-up was eagerly desired. However, it begged the question, how could they top that release? The answer? A project that tops anything they have done before. The Mourning Dove EP.

An Interview with Creature of RebelMatic

RebelMatic’s debut album, Ghost In The Shadows, rages and burns through 10 tracks in 24 minutes, but this is not a rushed affair. Creature and his cohorts have crafted true renegade poetry in the most economical way possible. This is a band who doesn’t waste time. They’ve got a message and they intend to speak it loud and proud, and at break neck speak speed.

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