Feature image courtesy of AMW Group
“Damn my bad, I guess this one’s got to got to be for me cuz I’d rather fake who I am than be you honestly, and what’s that feeling you can only say in French, it’s on the tip of my tongue but I just forgot again.”
With these not-so-subtle words, Brent Shinn’s “Limerence” kicks off.
Peeling back the onion on this indie stunner, listeners are greeted by the simple interplay between Shinn’s intentionally rough acoustic stylings, and his guttural vocal delivery, which proceeds to deliver a cutting line, after cutting line directly into our eagerly awaiting ears.
“Limerence” isn’t a track necessarily treading new ground – the artist’s Bob Dylan fandom is apparent – but what Shinn is doing is reclaiming lost reverence for a simpler time. A time when music need not be autotuned, overproduced, or oversaturated with multi-track instrumentation.
Instead, Shinn, a third-generation guitarist/musician, has presented his audience with an alternative. In “Limerence,” we see a long-forgotten path, overgrown with weeds, and steeped in years of decay. Yes, it seems the track, above anything else, serves as a proverbial throwback to an age where artists simply strapped their guitar across their shoulders, took the stage, and bellowed forth their emotions laid bare for their audience.
Come what may, “Limerence” will serve as a harbinger for things to come for Shinn, and perhaps other like-minded musicians of his ilk, or mindset. Shinn’s relatable delivery and lyrics of lament, regret, and emotive turmoil are something that anyone who’s lived long enough to feel these things can admit to experiencing in kind.
For me, “Limerence” is a damn good track, and one which required repeated listens. I look forward to hearing more from Shinn in the future, as I feel he’s the shot in the arm the genre has been waiting for.
Connect with Brent Shinn via Instagram
Connect with Brent Shinn via United Masters Webpage
Connect with Brent Shinn via YouTube
Interested in learning more about Brent Shinn’s “Limerence?” Hit the link below:
Be sure to check out the full archives of Open Your Ears, by Andrew Daly here: https://vwmusicrocks.com/open-your-ears-archives/
I rather think the songs verses had enough
subtlety but then again one man’s subtle is anothers neon sign I guess 😆😂 I hope I’m not as antiquated as some relic from the MacDougall St Greenwich Village scene. I certainly don’t wanna come off like a ranting old head condemning those “dang kids with their trap beats and autotunned robot voices” lol
I just write these songs kinda like sending out a msg in a bottle. Some come back some don’t. The ones that don’t I don’t worry for or pine. That’s cause the ones that do really sustain my existence and strengthen my resolve. I just feel out through the telemetric laylines lookn for a kindred that gets my drift.
Excellent article and concise and focused too. Extremely well written.
Cheers! Thanks for reading and thanks for making the piece possible!
I thank you for going easy on me fr I was petrified to start with now I should be relieved… But I’m probably more scared than before. Cuz now I have to live under such a lofty expectations. I’ve kinda got through life this far on significantly lower expectations lol but if you’ll listen I’ll be putting em out. It’s almost superstition at this point I’m afraid I’ll spontaneously combust or something if I stop
Great review Mr. Daly, I really liked Brent Shinn”s drop on Dylas song I think Shinn is one of a kind, a diamond in the rough, with a very original, and unforgettable voice. If you watch his video he comes across as very intelligent well spoken and educated young man. Watching and listening is treat to the eyes and ears of any Music fanatic I think Brent is a very entertaining musical spark. Love it.