All images courtesy of AMW Group
By Andrew Daly
[email protected]
It can’t be easy operating as a one-man band, but don’t tell Midday Sons’ Dan Dillon that.
And if Midday Sons’ latest single, “My Love Will Always Find You,” is any indication, Dillon is only getting stronger by the day. Armed with an effortless vocal range and multi-instrumental chops for days, it’s Dillon’s songsmith that is his proverbial moneymaker.
Recently only a week ago via eResources, Inc., “My Love Will Always Find You” is a slice of synthed-out, indie pop heaven, oozing and dripping with cascading melodies and triumphant instrumentation, which lulls listeners into a deep haze of bliss, only to be suddenly uplifted by the track’s elegant breaststrokes of vocal genius.
For Dillon, Midday Sons is an authentic means of expression, and his heartstrings are fervently tattered, dangling across the weeping lyrical content of the track. With pop sensibilities of biblical proportions, still, it’s important to have a proper mix, and “My Love Will Always Find You” has got that in spades. Mixed by Joe Chiccarelli at Sunset Sound and mastered by the whimsical Emily Lazar and Chris Allgood at The Lodge in NYC, simply put, if you’re a fan of production – listen to this cut.
By this point, you’re probably drawn in via description alone, but perhaps you’re the type who needs something a bit more concrete to draw upon. For those pondering the meaning behind the song, look no further, “While the whole album as a whole is devoted to my three daughters, my wife is the woman that has helped me raise them,” Dillon said. “Her Love, support, warmth, and strength are inspirations to me. I don’t think it was a mistake that I found her… as the lyrics of the song say – it was something divine.”
If you’re looking for a final verdict, look no further – Midday Sons’ “My Love Will Always Find You” is a sugary sweet bit of candy to feast your ears on. It hits all the right buttons at all the right times and has a sneaky way of eliciting emotion in ways that hit listers in the feels.
One can’t help but divulge in repeat listens, and in doing so, one can’t help but connect with the intrusive melodies, relatable lyrics, and humble instrumentation. If you’re looking to get hooked on something new, this one is for you. If not, be careful, as this one is an earworm of the highest order.
Connect with Midday Sons via Spotify
Connect with Midday Sons via their Webpage
– Andrew Daly (@vwmusicrocks) is the Editor-in-Chief for www.vwmusicrocks.com and may be reached at [email protected]