Joe O’Brien takes the time to discuss various topics and genres of music through his love of mix-tapes, and vinyl through the memories they conjure.
2020 Articles:
Vinyl & The Overlooked Era of Hip-Hop
Musical Discovery Through Compilations
Third Wave Ska and What We Need on Vinyl
You Wanted The Best, You Got The Best…Underrated KISS Tracks
2021 Articles:
Digging In Paradise: Moodies Records
Five Underrated Second Wave Emo Albums You Need To Listen To
Anecdotes & Albums: A Summary of KISS Army Servitude
The Life and Times of Rahsaan Roland Kirk: Creative Perseverance Through Music
Stage Freight: Uncovering Ten Cult Rock Albums Of The 1970s
X-Mas Playlist Remix: Five Change of Pace Christmas Tracks To Stuff Your Stocking With
2022 Articles: